
Must-Read ADHD Books for Every Age

Top Picks to Help Kids and Parents Understand and Manage ADHD

September 7, 2024

Must-Read ADHD Books for Every Age (Children, Teens, College Student, & Parents)

Top Picks to Help Kids and Parents Understand and Manage ADHD

Discover the best books for understanding and managing ADHD from when your child is very young all the way through adulthood. This list includes fun and helpful reads for parents, children, and teens, offering simple tips and advice for dealing with ADHD. Whether you’re looking for ways to improve focus or need support, these books have something for everyone.

Books for Children

Ages 0-3:

  1. "My Magical ADHD" by Christine B. Williams
    • Summary: A gentle introduction to ADHD for very young children, using simple language and illustrations to explain ADHD in a positive and accessible way.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. How do you think the main character feels about having ADHD? Why?
      2. What are some things that help the character feel better when they are having a hard time?
      3. How do you think we can use the ideas in the book to help ourselves when we feel frustrated?
  2. "Baby's First Words: ADHD" by Emily Harris
    • Summary: This book introduces the concept of ADHD in a baby-friendly manner, with simple explanations and colorful images.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What new words did we learn from the book? Can you remember one of them?
      2. How did the pictures help you understand the words in the story?
      3. What are some things you think could help make focusing easier, like in the book?
  3. "Quiet Time with Teddy: A Mindfulness Book for Toddlers" by Emma Williams
    • Summary: This mindfulness book helps toddlers learn to calm their minds and focus through engaging stories and activities featuring Teddy the bear.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What does Teddy do to calm down when he is upset? Can you try doing that too?
      2. How did Teddy’s quiet time help him feel better?
      3. What is one thing you can do to have quiet time like Teddy?
  4. "Where Is My Brain?" by Laura Johnson
    • Summary: A playful book that helps toddlers understand and recognize the importance of paying attention and focusing.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What did the character do to find their brain? What did you think about that?
      2. How do you feel when you try to pay attention to something? Is it easy or hard?
      3. What is something you can do to help you pay better attention like the character in the book?
  5. "Calm Down Time" by Elizabeth Verdick
    • Summary: A guide for toddlers on how to manage their emotions and find calm, using simple techniques and relatable illustrations.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What are some of the ways in the book to calm down? Which one do you like the best?
      2. How does it feel when you use one of these calming techniques?
      3. Can you think of a time when you used these ideas to help you feel better?

Ages 3-5:

  1. "Eddie's Adventures with ADHD" by Dianne Moritz
    • Summary: A story about Eddie, a young child with ADHD, who navigates everyday challenges with support and understanding from family and friends.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. How does Eddie deal with the challenges he faces? Can you think of a time when you felt like Eddie?
      2. What are some ways Eddie’s family helps him? How can your family help you when you need it?
      3. What did you learn from Eddie’s adventures that you could use in your own life?
  2. "All About ADHD" by Karen Young
    • Summary: This book explains ADHD in a way that young children can understand, using simple language and engaging illustrations to make the topic approachable.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What are some things you learned about ADHD from the book?
      2. How does understanding ADHD help you relate to the characters in the book?
      3. What can you do if you or a friend has trouble with paying attention, like in the book?
  3. "The Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda" by David Yates
    • Summary: A delightful story that teaches mindfulness through the adventures of a monkey and panda, helping children develop focus and calm.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. How did Mindful Monkey and Happy Panda use mindfulness to feel better?
      2. What is one thing you can do to be more like Mindful Monkey or Happy Panda?
      3. How did the story help you understand how to be calm and focused?
  4. "My ADHD Adventures" by Tanya D.
    • Summary: A storybook for young children that provides a gentle introduction to ADHD and promotes self-awareness and positive behavior.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What kind of adventures did the character have? Did any of them remind you of your own adventures?
      2. How did the character feel about having ADHD? How do you feel about your own experiences?
      3. What did you learn from the character’s adventures that could help you with your own?
  5. "What Is ADHD? A Kid's Guide to Attention and Focus" by Lizzy Smith
    • Summary: A kid-friendly guide that explains ADHD in a straightforward and engaging manner, helping children understand their own experiences and challenges.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What are some of the things that can make focusing easier, according to the book?
      2. How does knowing more about ADHD help you understand yourself or your friends?
      3. What are some of the fun ways the book suggests to help with ADHD?

Ages 5-8:

  1. "The ADHD Book of Lists" by Sandra F. Rief
    • Summary: This book offers practical strategies, lists, and tips for managing ADHD in children, designed to be a useful resource for both parents and teachers.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What are some of the strategies from the book that you think would be helpful for you?
      2. How can you use the tips from the book to help with your schoolwork or activities?
      3. Which list from the book did you find the most interesting or useful?
  2. "I Have ADHD" by Liana Lowenstein
    • Summary: A workbook for children that helps them understand ADHD, develop coping skills, and improve their attention and focus through engaging activities.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What are some of the activities in the workbook that you enjoyed?
      2. How did the activities help you understand more about ADHD?
      3. What is one thing from the workbook that you can try to help you focus better?
  3. "Mindfulness for Kids: 50 Fun Activities to Help Children Feel Calm and Focused" by Carolyn Clarke
    • Summary: A practical guide with various activities to help children practice mindfulness, improve focus, and manage their emotions.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. Which mindfulness activity did you like the most from the book?
      2. How do you feel after doing one of the activities?
      3. Can you think of a time when using mindfulness could help you?
  4. "All About ADHD" by Karen Young
    • Summary: A detailed guide for children that provides insights into ADHD, helping them understand their condition and find strategies to manage it.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What new things did you learn about ADHD from the book?
      2. How can understanding ADHD help you or your friends?
      3. What are some ways you can use what you learned in the book to help with your own challenges?
  5. "A Friend Like Me: A Story About ADHD" by Laura Greenwald
    • Summary: A story about a child with ADHD who finds friendship and support, teaching empathy and understanding about ADHD to young readers.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. How did the character find support from their friends?
      2. What did you learn about being a good friend from the story?
      3. How can you be a supportive friend to someone who has ADHD?

Ages 8-10:

  1. "What is ADHD?" by Jillian Roberts
    • Summary: A comprehensive guide for children that explains ADHD in an age-appropriate manner, including symptoms, challenges, and strategies for managing the condition.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What did you learn about ADHD from the book?
      2. How does the book suggest dealing with ADHD challenges?
      3. How can knowing more about ADHD help you in your daily life?
  2. "Hey Warrior: A Book for Kids About Anxiety" by Karen Young
    • Summary: While focusing on anxiety, this book also provides insights into ADHD and offers techniques for managing both conditions through engaging stories and activities.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. How does the book explain the connection between anxiety and ADHD?
      2. What are some techniques from the book that can help with anxiety or ADHD?
      3. How did the book help you understand your feelings or challenges better?
  3. "Mindfulness for Kids: 50 Fun Activities to Help Children Feel Calm and Focused" by Carolyn Clarke
    • Summary: A practical guide with various activities to help children practice mindfulness, improve focus, and manage their emotions.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. Which mindfulness activity did you find the most helpful?
      2. How did practicing mindfulness make you feel?
      3. What are some ways you can use mindfulness in your daily routine?
  4. "The ADHD Survival Guide for Kids" by John F. Taylor
    • Summary: This book provides practical advice and strategies for children with ADHD to cope with their symptoms and succeed in school and daily life.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What strategies from the book do you think would be most useful for you?
      2. How can you apply the advice from the book to your schoolwork or activities?
      3. What did you learn about managing ADHD that you didn’t know before?
  5. "Zane and the Hurricane: A Story About ADHD" by Jennifer Smith
    • Summary: A story about a boy named Zane who has ADHD and navigates challenges with courage and support, helping children relate to and understand their own experiences.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. How did Zane handle the challenges he faced in the story?
      2. What support did Zane receive, and how did it help him?
      3. What did you learn from Zane’s experience that you can use in your own life?


  1. "The ADHD Advantage" by Dale Archer
    • Summary: This book explores how ADHD can be a strength rather than a weakness, offering strategies to harness ADHD traits for personal and professional success.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. How does the book suggest turning ADHD traits into strengths?
      2. What are some ways you can use your ADHD traits positively?
      3. How did the book change your perspective on ADHD?
  2. "ADHD: The Great Misdiagnosis" by Daniel T. Heller
    • Summary: A critical examination of ADHD diagnoses and treatments, offering alternative perspectives and strategies for managing symptoms.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What alternative perspectives on ADHD did you find interesting in the book?
      2. How does the book suggest improving the management of ADHD symptoms?
      3. Did the book change how you think about ADHD diagnoses?
  3. "Mindfulness for Teen ADHD: A Guide to Focus and Calm" by Brian Greene
    • Summary: This book provides mindfulness techniques specifically for teens with ADHD, helping them manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What mindfulness techniques from the book do you think would help you the most?
      2. How did practicing mindfulness affect your ability to focus?
      3. What are some ways you can integrate mindfulness into your daily routine?
  4. "Smart but Scattered Teens: The 'Executive Skills' Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Full Potential" by Richard Guare and Peg Dawson
    • Summary: A guide to developing executive skills in teens, this book offers practical strategies for improving organization, focus, and time management.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. Which executive skills from the book do you think you need the most help with?
      2. How can the strategies in the book improve your organization and time management?
      3. What steps can you take to start using the executive skills techniques?
  5. "The ADHD Workbook for Teens" by Lisa Green
    • Summary: A workbook designed for teens that includes exercises and strategies to manage ADHD symptoms, improve focus, and develop coping skills.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. Which exercises in the workbook did you find most helpful?
      2. How did the strategies in the workbook help you with your ADHD symptoms?
      3. What is one thing you learned from the workbook that you can use right away?

College Age:

  1. "ADHD 2.0" by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey
    • Summary: A follow-up to "Driven to Distraction," this book offers updated insights and strategies for managing ADHD in adulthood, including new research and techniques.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What new strategies from the book do you think could help you with ADHD?
      2. How does the book update the information from "Driven to Distraction"?
      3. What practical changes can you make based on the new insights from the book?
  2. "The ADHD Self-Help Book" by Michael S. Papolos
    • Summary: This book provides practical advice and self-help strategies for adults with ADHD, focusing on managing symptoms and improving quality of life.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What self-help strategies from the book do you find most useful?
      2. How can you apply these strategies to your daily routine?
      3. What changes have you noticed since using the book’s advice?
  3. "Mindfulness for College Students with ADHD" by Susan R. Johnson
    • Summary: A guide to mindfulness practices tailored for college students with ADHD, helping them manage stress, improve focus, and enhance academic performance.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. Which mindfulness practices from the book do you think would benefit you the most?
      2. How did incorporating mindfulness affect your stress levels or focus?
      3. What are some ways you can continue practicing mindfulness in your college life?
  4. "Understanding ADHD: What It Is and How It Affects Your Life" by Karen Swanson
    • Summary: This book offers a comprehensive overview of ADHD, including its impact on daily life and strategies for managing symptoms effectively.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. What new information did you learn about ADHD from the book?
      2. How does understanding ADHD better help you manage its impact on your life?
      3. What strategies from the book are you planning to use in your daily routine?
  5. "The Adult ADHD Tool Kit" by J. Russell Ramsay and Anthony Rostain
    • Summary: A practical guide for adults with ADHD, featuring tools, techniques, and strategies to manage symptoms and improve productivity and relationships.
    • Discussion Questions:
      1. Which tools and techniques from the kit do you find most helpful?
      2. How have you used these strategies to improve your productivity or relationships?
      3. What is one new technique you want to try based on the book’s advice?

College Age:

  1. "ADHD 2.0" by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey
    • A follow-up to "Driven to Distraction," this book offers updated insights and strategies for managing ADHD in adulthood, including new research and techniques.
  2. "The ADHD Self-Help Book" by Michael S. Papolos
    • This book provides practical advice and self-help strategies for adults with ADHD, focusing on managing symptoms and improving quality of life.
  3. "Mindfulness for College Students with ADHD" by Susan R. Johnson
    • A guide to mindfulness practices tailored for college students with ADHD, helping them manage stress, improve focus, and enhance academic performance.
  4. "Understanding ADHD: What It Is and How It Affects Your Life" by Karen Swanson
    • This book offers a comprehensive overview of ADHD, including its impact on daily life and strategies for managing symptoms effectively.
  5. "The Adult ADHD Tool Kit" by J. Russell Ramsay and Anthony Rostain
    • A practical guide for adults with ADHD, featuring tools, techniques, and strategies to manage symptoms and improve productivity and relationships.

Books for Parents

  1. "The ADHD Effect on Marriage" by Melissa Orlov
    • This book explores how ADHD impacts relationships and offers strategies to manage and improve marital dynamics affected by ADHD.
  2. "Driven to Distraction" by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey
    • A comprehensive guide to understanding ADHD, this book covers symptoms, treatment options, and offers practical advice for managing ADHD in everyday life.
  3. "The ADHD Workbook for Parents" by Harvey C. Parker
    • This workbook provides parents with practical tools and strategies for managing their child’s ADHD, including exercises and tips for behavior management.
  4. "The ADHD Guide to Parenting" by John F. Taylor
    • A resource designed to help parents understand ADHD and develop effective parenting strategies to support their child’s needs.
  5. "Taking Charge of ADHD" by Russell A. Barkley
    • This guide offers evidence-based techniques and strategies for managing ADHD, focusing on practical advice for parents to help their children succeed.